No total eclipse of the sun

For some people, the sun is our best friend. But it can become our worst enemy when it comes to tropical housing
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I have visited tropical countries like Thailand, Malaysia, Singapore, the Philippines, Cambodia, Brazil or Colombia. 

They all share the same costly problem at home: how to get rid of the tropical heat and humidity? But most technologies cost money and quick permanent fixes like air conditioners increase global warming. Hang on, help is on its way: Let’s do something pretty cool, and get insights into Triple Green Research & Development Visit us at our tropical houses with just a very brief but necessary total eclipse of the sun.


16 chapters you can purchase independently, according to what you are interested in to read and/or where you are an expert in. 


30-45 minutes long introduction of a dedicated green building expert, held online at 10 am CET (Central European Time = GMT +1h). reserve the dates! 


Published and unpublished articles since 2010 (first  article published) 

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